Roll of Honour

Memories of WOII 'Dusty' De Ste Croix by John Lee

I first met Dusty when he was appointed QMSI to 131 Indep Para Sqn RE(V) back in the very early seventies and he made an immediate impression as good instructor, able and willing to share his knowledge and also with a good sense of humour as well.

I well remember him taking me aside when I had been appointed Local Sergeant to attend a course at the Int Corps Depot in Ashford and what to expect in the Mess and more importantly what not to do. Advice which was very useful then and in the future. His sense of humour was exemplified when the squadron was at Otterburn in January one year and a sapper was struggling to get up one of the steep slopes, making loud wheezing noises and causing some concern. Dusty’s only comment was, ‘Don’t die Sanger, don’t die, there are too many forms to fill in’.

He will be remembered for a big toothy grin and a pair of large horn-rimmed spectacles which always seemed to appear in his photographs.

I do not know of his postings after leaving 131 in 1973 but I understand that he served for some time later in the Jersey Field Squadron (The Royal Militia Island of Jersey), 111 Regt RE. Any further news would be appreciated and of interest.