Roll of Honour

John Davis

The funeral of former 299-man John Fredrick Thomas Davis aged 88 years took place on the 27th January 2020 at 1300hrs at the Rose Hill Crematorium, Doncaster.

The 299 Association Chairman Chris Shillito thanked all the men who attended this service, especially the standard bearers carrying their respecĀ­tive colours; Tony Irwin (299), Mike Holdsworth (301) and Mick Williams (Royal British Legion). Good to see John Brennan also Maliy Holiis (Russell) from way back coming to pay their respects.

Eighteen men representing all the units that John had served with lined the route to produce a Guard of Honour on route to the Chapel, the Cortege was led by the Standards at slow order with the Guard of Honour throwing one up as his Hurst entered the Chapel canopy area. This was a fitting tribute to this well-respected man who has given so much service to his country, mostly with 299 Sqn, 131 Para RE Regt.

Big John was born and brought up in Doncaster, he left school at the age of 15 years (1946) and ran off to join the Merchant Navy, spent 4 years at sea and visited most of the world, and with National Service pending he signed on in the Royal Military Police for a short term enlistment (3 years regular + 3 years reserve), he volunteered for Airborne seeing overseas service in Egypt. To meet his reservist commitment he was directed to 2 Troop, 299 Sqn. 131 Para Regt RE (TA), 44 Brigade at the Scarborough Barracks in Doncaster. Both sons extended their appreciation to those from his military life that attended his funeral.