Roll of Honour

Col Dennis Eagan by Joe Stoddart MBE

Gentlemen, it is with great sadness that I write this dedication to a fine officer and gentleman.

Col Dennis Eagan though always softly spoken, was exceptional, not only was he an Olympian and an outstanding Officer, but to all in contact with him he was a friend and confidant.

I will not go into his military career, which was exemplary. I know there are many senior officers who will confirm that it was he who helped mould their careers through 9 Para Sqn and onward - he was an inspirational gentleman.

My contact with Col Dennis began on my election as chairman of the Aldershot Branch and Col Dennis was invited to be our President. As chairman of the branch I must say I was very happy to have a senior figure available to bounce ideas off. We soon became good friends and he was always available to offer me guidance and advice.

During the initial period of our friendship he introduced me to the TTLC, one of his favourite clubs of which he was a co-founder. I considered it a real privilege to be invited to join this "Airborne Diners Club"

Following my election as Chairman of the Airborne Engineers Association it soon became apparent that the Association Constitution was in serious need of updating. But where do we start? It was during a meeting in Aldershot that Lt Col John Lee, AEA president, approached Col Dennis requesting his advise. Never one to shirk a challenge Col Dennis offered to undertake the complete task. It was almost 12-months before the final draft met the full criteria prior to going to print. His dedication in completing this task and in recognition of his continued guidance to the committee in administrative matters was rewarded with Col Dennis being awarded the "Presidents Commendation".
Col Dennis was one of the most dedicated and approachable gentlemen within our ranks and he was without doubt a real asset and inspiration to us all.

My wife Sylvia and I will miss his company at our functions - he was a great friend and mentor who will be sadly missed.

RIP Col Dennis