For many years, the Journal has been a great source of information and a means to keep in touch, as well as providing an extensive archive of what we've been up to. Let's keep it going.
From Peter Sudnik - We served together in Germany and then the Squadron. Tony was a great lad and a good friend. Sadly his life was taken away at a very young age. I have fond memories of our friendship. R.I.P. dear Tony
From John Moorhouse - Great to remember auld comrades Peter, I'll raise a glass tonight to absent friends, always recall the good times mate.
From Paul Dunkley - Tony was in a class of his own and in his short life touched so many of us, if we were lucky enough to have known him. I was one and can say hand on heart ''IT WAS MY PLEASURE'' R.I.P. Mucker
From Pat Neal - Only met him once when he came into 2 Tp lines to see Keith. What a tragic loss of a very young life, could only have been in his early 20s. RIP.
From Chris O'Donovan - Tony and I started pre-para together, a large bunch started but by the end of the week he and I were the only survivors. When we went to P Coy we were both exactly the same weight so we were drawn together for milling. We had been routinely punching each other for the previous few weeks by that stage so there was an element of "same old, same old" for us. Tony was a good boxer so he did hurt me but the P Coy staff accused us, in flowery language, of pulling our punches because we were 9 Sqn mates and threatened to make us go another bout. Peter, you may remember mate that he was meant to come with us in your car for that epic trip to Exmouth, no idea how we would have all fitted in. Tony showed us his swollen legs and we saw that when he poked his finger in the indentation would stay. We all agreed that he should go sick with it and that we would meet up later. That was the beginning of his Hodgkin's disease. A great bloke and still missed.
Tony Feltham, front row 2nd from left. Peter Sudnik, front row far right