President's Report

December 2024

Dear Members, I must first pay tribute to all those members who have worked tirelessly leading up the vote on the merger of the AEA and the REA(A). I know that this has been a subject that has been debated endlessly over the years. However, at last, after much work and many hours put in by committee members, drafting and redrafting documents a successful path was found and the members were able to vote on the merger. In summary 296 members voted, from which the break down was 230 voted yes and 66 voted no. Further details are in the Journal. Of course, there is still much work to do to satisfy the Executive committee as we move forward towards a full merger. Again, as this develops the association will be kept abreast of things.

Secondly I must apologies again, for my absence at the AGM and Gala dinner, an event that I know a lot of Branch members commit themselves to organise and run. I remember the last one at Hull (Then the city of culture). But from what I hear Craig Gadd and his team did another unbelievable job of organising this years’ function and Lin and I were sad to miss the Gala Dinner. I am sure all will join me in thanking Craig and his team for the huge effort they put into the weekend.

Also, the summer events always draw members to the annual gatherings such as Arnhem and the 80th celebrations of D Day. It was great that the Association was able to assist financially so that some members from all of the branches were able to attend these events.

The wonder of technology and use of Phones to receive and pass on events instantly, always amaze me. Thank goodness they were not around in our youth. Although, we still managed to grab photos now and then and I am always appreciative of some of our members who produce these snapshots of our past, Pat Neal, Derek Broadbent, Jasper Harratt, Arthur Askey and Tony Fry to mention a few, and really good quality. I was lucky enough to visit 23 Regt in the Summer and 9 Sqn’s office, they very kindly got out the old albums with some great Black and Whites. As I have said before if you do get a chance to visit Woodbridge on an open day, take it. The Barracks is expanding, with 70 Gurkha Airborne Sqn and a new Regt. With this expansion of barracks and accommodation being built it’s becoming a Sapper Stronghold.

The Summer in the UK was as busy as ever with our events across the country. I was able again to attend the Double Hills ceremony this year, which is probably going to be the last formal one. Peter Yeates has done a fantastic job in organising and running the event all these years. The ceremony has grown annually, not just in numbers but also across the breadth of the attendance. Old friends were there and it’s always a wonderful occasion to see the volunteers who are there assisting, not just with tractors and trailers to move spectators across the fields, the Bowls club who provide changing rooms and tea and biscuits before the event. The Football club opening its doors for tea and sandwiches and the odd beer or two. Also great to see Chris Chambers and his daughter and son in law, maintaining that connection with Paulton and Aldershot. Who can forget Jan Chambers, who for many years was another force in ensuring the event was a total success. A big thank you from all Sqn men who have taken part in not just Double Hills but the many other events that volunteers organise for us to attend to pay our respects annually.

This year has been more challenging in many ways. Our erstwhile Chairman, Steve Wallis made the comment at the 2023 AGM that it was time to once again revisit the amalgamation of the REA with the AEA. This was a challenge that I and Phil Taylor discussed over a beer and many emails. Draft upon draft of documents were produced, reviewed and amended between us both. Yes we did take time off now and then for it to settle, many members were asked their opinions and changes were made on a regular basis. Long calls to Ken kirk the CEO of the REA, from France in Phils case, to put forward our proposals. Ken in turn delivered our views and papers to the REA Committee, which were met with positive views. From these documents, a Memorandum of Understanding was produced and discussed, including, what I believe was a fantastic document, namely the Frequently Asked Questions. The Committee can claim the responsibility at this stage in taking it all forward. Steve as Chair and Mick as the Secretary kept the Association abreast of things.  Now with the vote results the next stage is to move forward into a new bright future, engaging with all Airborne Engineers and under the umbrella of the REA.

However, with all good news there is always sad news. The Chatham Branch has for some years now suffered with membership. Although, events are aways successful the core Association numbers supporting the events are very few, as an example we can expect up to 70 attending the Christmas function but only 6 members attending meetings. We are blessed with fantastic support from Widows, families and friends but for the few who are required to organise and run these events it is a large effort even to share with the few members we have. With this in mind the Branch will have a meeting on the 8th of January to finally decide on the way ahead.

The branch had another very successful Christmas lunch, Steve and Mel were the guests of the Branch and it was appreciated that they took time from their busy schedule to visit.

Before I sign off, can I once again say well done to all those involved in the merger process. A long and particularly difficult process but one I think that was necessary to allow the members of the association their say on its future.

Lin and I wish all members and their families the very best for the Christmas period and I hope to see some of you in 2025.

With best wishes

Baz Bassett
President, Airborne Engineers Association

June 2024

A warm welcome to all as it would appear that Summer is at last here. I must admit that I am a bit behind the curve in producing this update for the journal, sorry Dave. While on the subject of the Journal, and from who has become the driving force, Dave Pace has continued to gather information and review how we deliver this to the membership and other agencies. Delivering this information in a timely manner across the sites, both recording and archiving this information is a large task. I know that moving from hard copy to electronic copy seemed a big jump. However, once embracing the power of social media, and various social platforms, I found that as a user it was what was needed, especially as it is the future. More on this later as Dave continues to gather information, along with developing how best to take it forward.

I would also mention here Jon Nichols our Shop Manager and the other driving force for the AEA. Jon and Dave are working hard behind the scenes in ensuring that they can deliver what the members require, information on the Association, Public Relations and stock which is  what the membership want.

Both these individuals need your support, material for the Journal or web site, any information will be of assistance. Jon of course would welcome your ideas for stock, nothing is off the cards.

I was very proud to have been invited recently to a supper at 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment at the end of 51 Para Sqns development week.  As always it is great to speak to fellow Airborne soldiers and their outlook. Yes, when I look back it is a different army, but what is different. These young men and women have had a lot asked of them, operations, training teams and other commitments, they have risen to it all and are confident, outstandingly trained and very well led by NCOS and Officers.

Rock Barracks continues to grow with 70 Gurkha Para Sqn soon to join them.

I know that Steve and Mel continue to support a number of events across the UK, a big commitment but one that is appreciated by the members. As I type this, the Airborne Riders are ready to commence their organised events across the UK and if you can attend and support them well done. Along with the many other events that occur and supported by members I congratulate them on their commitment and hard work in maintaining these events.

I wish you all a great summer.

With best wishes

Baz Bassett
President, Airborne Engineers Association