

First and foremost, the AEA is a social support organisation and does not have the capacity or resources to offer welfare solutions that some of our members need. That is not to say that you cannot contact any of the Committee or members for support or to find a solution to whatever ails you. We are after all, cut from the same cloth!

What We Can Do

We do have a welfare representative who is also a Divisional Secretary for SSAFA for the past 10 years. She will source your appropriate SSAFA contact in your area for you to contact, and SSAFA has the resources to deal with most if not all issues and ammonise monies if that is the need.

What We Can't Do

As stated earlier, the AEA does not have the financial or welfare capabilities to support its members in this capacity, we are frankly too small an organisation to consider this and it is not the one of the main core objectives of the Association.

Association Welfare Contacts

AEA Welfare Advisor - Paul Moore - paul.moore@durham.SSAFA.org.uk
