Roll of Honour

Bert Bamforth BEM

Herbert Ernest [Bert] Bamforth was a member of the Yorkshire Branch of the AEA and a dedicated member of the Bridlington Branch of the REA.

Bert suffered a severe stroke on the 14th February 2020 from which he did not recover and passed to a higher fellowship on the 24th February 2020, Bert was two months short of his 90th birthday [20th April 1930], we despatched him to the final DZ on the 17th March 2020.

Bert joined the army in 1949 at the age of 17 years. He joined the Squadron and I believe served in the Canal Zone. After an injury on a drop he left Airborne and later served in Korea, seeing much action.

On leaving the army he joined the police force. He became interested in investigating vehicle crashes. After specialist courses and a string of titles after his name he became a forensic expert investigating vehicle accidents gaining a BEM in recognition of his work.