Roll of Honour

Steve Collins

Steve Collins passed away in his hometown of Sittingborne, Kent on 12th August 2007 aged 48. His funeral was held in Bobbing crematorium in Kent and was attended by many former and serving 9 Para Sqn personnel. Steve had been suffering from a brain tumour for a long time, having treatments in various hospitals in an attempt to fight it. He took great joy in informing everybody about how his recovery was going and carried his "hospital laser mask" around various events within the Squadron as a trophy. Steve served twice in Support Troop within the Squadron, interspersed with tours of duty in Hameln and Osnabruck. During his time away he would try desperately to be posted back to airborne duties. When due to be promoted to Corporal one Christmas he infuriated most people by telling everybody he would not accept it unless it involved a return to the Squadron.

He was a one-man recruitment team during his time away, as he enjoyed proving the calibre of an airborne soldier, in all aspects, to anybody who would participate, watch or listen. This normally ended up with another person signing on the dotted line to attempt the course. During his time in the Squadron Steve carried out tours in Kenya and Belize twice.

Steve left the Squadron and the Army prematurely in 1990 and he always regretted it. So much so that this led to him returning for all meetings and reunions he could in Aldershot and to become an active member of the Airborne Engineers Association. He loved every part of that also bringing his boundless energy to the Chatham branch, organising many events and attending all functions he could around the country.

Steve's attitude of enjoying life to the full was an inspiration to all that knew him and he will be greatly missed by family, friends and colleagues.