Welcome to the Chatham branch
Chatham Branch News
Chatham - December 2020
Baz Bassett - Chairman
Unlike the summer edition these notes will not be full of our social events. Obviously since the COVID restrictions and like other parts of UK we have had all our events cancelled. This has meant communication primarily by phone and the odd visit to friends. Key players have been able to meet for the odd “Bacon Butty” a Brew and a chat but in reality we have realised planning ahead for events was never going to work especially with the current conditions as they are. The National AGM held by zoom I thought was an excellent event and perhaps it’s something to consider for the future, alongside the actual meeting allowing members who are unable to attend the meeting to view and comment. Well done to the National Branch in organising it.
I am sure like many others we have tried to keep ourselves busy, the first lock down seems a long time away and I am sure like Lin and myself we have all tried to find some sort of routine. Walking appears to be popular although when we go out now there are not so many people about as there were. Tim vd K has taken it to heart and has basically been carrying out a “pre para” and has lost a lot of weight and got fitter. Admittedly the weather was fantastic during the first phase and really helped. Rearranging the garden was popular with Lin and I found myself shifting more earth than the tunnels at Colditz. My hidey holes in the Garage, Attic and small cellar all got a good dig out with a few visits to the local refuse collection area. I still have lots more “useful items” to go but have not quite got the heart to get rid of them. They are unfortunately on Mrs B’s hit list. The latest fad is redecorating so it’s on with the overalls and splash around the magnolia.
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The Branch with friends did manage to conduct a small event in August when the South Atlantic Medal Association - Ride of Respect 2020 - visited us in Medway to pay their respect at the Headstone of Cpl Andy Mcillvenny. Andy served with 4 Troop, 9 Para Sqn, and was tragically killed on the RFA Sir Galahad during the Falklands conflict. |
Considering the restrictions it was a very good turn out on a really hot day. Fantastic commitment by the riders and their support team for this memorable ride. Hats off to Charley McColgan, Ginge Moore and the many others for their support and determination to push his through. The photos attached are of the Riders and attendees on the day. |
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Chatham - June 2020
Baz Bassett - Chairman
Well where do we start, 2020 will be another of those years which I am sure people will be talking about for some time. Unfortunately, as I write this, we are into the 4th week of isolation and lock down. Those words themselves give me an uncomfortable feeling. The full outcome of this virus is yet to be understood and it will be many years before it can be accurately measured. I am sure my grandchildren will have something about it in their school exams for many years.
Having served for some 37 years with the purpose of defending the country from our enemies it is strange that we are now under attack from an unseen enemy almost from within. The situation may, or may not, make some of the younger generation realise that those words “ self-isolation and lockdown” could very easily be interpreted for “curfew” and some form of sympathy towards what the families of Europe faced in WW2 and what a number of families face, who are today oppressed and living in many countries around the world today.
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For me, and I am sure for others, the ability to use technology to “beam” into our families and friends was a real bonus. Using it to remotely work and carry on part of our normal life assisted us in moving on as well. Although work itself for many was put on hold and daily, we see the suffering of families having to struggle to keep going. I do hope that my many friends are well, and coping and I am sure we are all looking forward to trying to get back to life as we knew it. Looking back just a few months the Chatham branch, since the last newsletter, has held its Christmas Function when some 80 members with families and friends sat down to a bumper event. |
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We were of course delighted that the association’s new Chairman, Steve Wallis with his delightful wife Melanie found time to attend. The Branch wish him and his wife every success in his new position and have offered our 100% support to him in his new role. Although we were somewhat concerned of his choice of drink. The only comment that was made was that we appeared to fix it that Steve and Melanie appeared to win every other prize at the Raffle!!
We were also delighted to offer our thanks to JJ and Sandra Ferry as the outgoing Chairman, for their unstinting loyalty and remarkable support they have given to the association over the years, we wish them the very best and hope that things calm down for a while and they can both relax. The Valentines curry lunch held at the King Charles in February was also a success. Well attended and supported it is a nice feeling that these small events can draw us together in a happy and celebratory mood. Again the committee worked hard to ensure it went off smoothly and to ensure that pretty well everyone went home with a raffle prize, along with the standard Rose and Chocolates for the ladies. The branch, although small is well supported by its friends and families and these events are a great way of relaxing amongst like minded people and to allow us to just let the afternoon flow.
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Although future meetings and events have been cancelled, we have had a “Zoom” meeting with a few of the members meeting on line, is it a first I wonder and is it something for the future? I am sure like the other branches we are all feeling a slight bit of apprehension, our events, which really are a cornerstone that we look forward to, have been cancelled or postponed. However, we will get around that. As I said, technology has assisted in keeping in contact with the members a quick ring round and a chat helps, and we know it is not forever and the restrictions will end soon, the challenge will be to maintain our morale and get back to where we were. That Airborne spirit we are famous for will see us through. Best wishes to all, stay safe and I look forward to meeting up in the not too distant future. |
Bob and Helen Matthews with Bill and Sheila Shields waiting for Pudding! |
Chatham - December 2019
Baz Bassett - Chairman
Hello to all AEA members from the Medway area and I do hope that you have had a fun summer. I must admit that I do feel a bit of a fraud this year, due to commitments over the summer period I have not been around the patch as much as I hoped to be. However, one or two members have made it to the many events that have occurred especially the Arnhem celebrations, well done to all those making the effort. The great power of Social media makes me feel even more guilty and slightly envious when you see individuals getting together and paying their respects at the sacrifice made by our predecessors. The Chatham branch continues to “tab” along, but we, like many other small organisations, are struggling for membership. We have lost a number of members recently to the final DZ in the last few years, reducing our membership considerably. But there is no shortage of enthusiasm or determination from the existing members, nor attendance at events, these are always outstandingly supported by members their families, widows, partners and friends. What the worry for all is where we will be in 10 years’ time. This may well be an issue that the new chairman and president address during their tenure. We as a branch shall continue to provide a DZ for all Airborne Engineers who drift into in this part of the world and continue to provide events, such as the John Rock dinner etc. for all.
On the subject of John Rock this was again held at the King Charles Hotel in June.
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A fine bunch of Airborne Warriors and also the Men! |
To celebrate this year’s dinner we were delighted to have in attendance one of our senior member’s, Major (Retd) Allan Graham’s Daughter and Granddaughter. They gave a fantastic presentation, based on Alan’s notes of his memories of D Day, when he served as a Section Corporal in 3rd Parachute Squadron RE. Very appropriate at this time of the year, unfortunately Alan was not well enough to travel and has recently lost his wife Barbara of 75 years. He lives local and tries to maintain connections with the Branch. Mike Tindle, the branch welfare officer, maintains a good connection with the family. The article is reproduced in the Journal for you all to read. To stay in the theme Nick Gibson very kindly set up a fantastic display of WW2 Airborne items at the lunch. One or two younger members could not believe that this was the issued kit, no Goretex, no lightweight material and canvas webbing to name a few things!!
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The things you collect over the years. Nick Gibson’s attic collection or some of it. |
This year’s armed forces day celebration was hot, extremely hot, which may account for the lack of numbers attending. There was no shortage of veterans at the event on Gillingham Lines, but smaller numbers on parade. It was another good display by the Corps and in particular by I RSME, with their stands and the supporting stands of a variety of volunteer organisations and the Forces charities, which made for a very enjoyable afternoon.
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I must admit to a slight error on the parade when marching on, I was clearly briefed to turn immediately left on entering the arena. On marching in it did not make sense but as a good soldier I followed my last order, only to find ourselves marching toward the Regt. Never one to panic and again as good soldiers. We just continued (some may say bluffed) and marched onto our position. To the spectators it looked like a piece of well drilled precision marching but to the organisers there was slight panic in their eyes. I pointed out that in future they should let us lead, instead of bringing up the rear! The Thin Red Line. Peter Kershaw, Mike Tindle, Tim VdK and Baz Bassett |
One for the scrap book, Ray Ogden showing correct exit procedures for leaving a “fire exit” from the top floor. |
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D Day and visits to France for various celebrations were attended by members of the branch and I must admit another great coverage by the media. It has hopefully raised the profile of our veterans across UK and bring home to the country the sacrifice they and the people of UK at the time were forced to make. The annual Gurkha Curry at 36 Engr Regt was another sell out and outstanding success. Spaces for the event are as rare as a Rocking Florse running at Aintree and Bob Matthews has never had problems filling the spaces. The branch of course thank him and Helen for taking on the organisation of this annual event and liasing with 36 Engr Regt to make it such a huge success.
Arnhem was a big event this year and a lot of it has been made on the Facebook site with some old and bold faces. Many people made the journey to pay their respects and to continue the fantastic relationship we have with the Dutch people and their recognition of the sacrifice made by our predecessors both Airborne, Airland and conventional troopers.
Recently I borrowed a couple of books from Mike Tindle “The Lion on Blue Wings” by Ronald Seath about the formation of the Glider Regt in which there are references to John Rock and the huge input he made to Airborne forces. More importantly mentioned is the huge commitment by the Pilots and Co Pilots of the Glider Regiments and the struggle Chatterton (John Rock’s initial 2IC) had with the obstacles he had to overcome to develop and take forward the Glider Regt. I also re-read “Wings of the Wind” by Peter Stainforth. I personally think that both books should be read together as they were written by individuals who were there and play down much of the brave tasks they were required to carry out. These young men faced death daily but deliberately continued to complete their aims, objectives and missions shrugging off criticism, lack of confidence by the powers to be and the political infighting to “get the job done”. It covers development, the training of, and the deployment of airborne forces at not just Arnhem, but Italy, Sicily, Africa, D Day and much more. I would like to just give one quote from “Lion with Blue Wings”.
“General Browning was, as usual, immaculately dressed in a Barathea battledress, complete with a highly-polished Sam Browne belt, knife-edged creases to his trousers, leather revolver holster gleaming like fine glass, a kid glove on one hand with the other glove and a swagger-cane in the other. He might have been on a visit to the Guard’s Depot. The gleam, which his eye never lost, was perhaps brighter on this, his Day”
This was on the 17th of September prior to him embarking on Op Market Garden. Not quite how our Officers go into battle circa 2019.
The annual AGM, Dinner and Dance was supported by a number of the Branch members and this is covered in the Journal but as always I am told a good time was had by all and many thanks must go to the organisers for their time and effort in organising another great AGM and Dinner Dance.
Christmas is on the Horizon and planning is well ahead for our Christmas Lunch event with tables filling up fast, as always we can make room for guests so if you are in the area and want to have a great lunch with us give me a ring or email me.
Until the New Year or when we meet again, best wishes to all members
Chatham - May 2019
Baz Bassett - Chairman
The Branch has had a bad start to the year with the loss of two key members to the branch, Bob seaman and Mick (Gurney) Fisher. With the small size of our team the loss of 2 members is quite significant and as great characters they have both left a large void in our lives. We obviously send our heartfelt sympathies to their families and friends.
This year it is slightly less hectic than last year. With the focus on last year being the AEA AGM & Reunion Gala Dinner, it almost feels like an anti-climax that we are back to a steady state of normal events.
Along with many others a number of the branch members attended the annual Armistice Parade at the Cenotaph in London, very poignant as it was of course the people's parade in memory of 100 years since end of the First World War.
The Christmas Dinner as always was a bumper success with members and their extended families in attendance enjoying the family event at the King Charles.
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Christmas was soon followed by the Valentines Buffet Lunch in February to cheer us all up, welcoming in spring and giving the ladies a break from cooking.
In April a number of Branch members also attended the Aldershot Branch Spring Luncheon.
Next on the Branch Calendar will be our Annual John Rock Dinner which is to be held in June. This year we have opted to have the John Rock Dinner as a Lunch time event, a change can be as good as a rest as they say. The John Rock Dinner always has a Theme,
and this year will be the 75th Anniversary of OPERATION OverLord, the D-Day Landings in Normandy, France.
This year, we will be hosting our most senior member of the Branch, Major (Retd) Alan Graham MiD (our last WWII Veteran). Maj Graham served with both 3rd Para Squadron RE & 1St Airborne Squadron RE, he will be 95 years young on the 16th June 2019 and he will be accompanied by his wife Mary, (who is also 95 years young), Daughter Patsy and Granddaughter Kate, who on behalf of her Grandfather will read out some of his memories of OPERATION Over Lord, D - Day Landings in Normandy.
At the end of June is the Armed Forces Day (Medway), and as always a number of Branch members will be on Parade, this event is well supported by members of the public and is a great day out on the Great Lines with the Regiment also involved with displaying a number of stands, equipment and demonstrations.
There are of course many other events around and about that members will be attending and I hope that the weather and the events go off smoothly during the summer months.
Later in the year we have our Annual Curry Buffet Lunch, in the Officers Mess at 36 Engineer Regiment which is one to look forward to and of course further on the horizon is this year's AEA AGM & Reunion Gala Dinner at Banbury. Membership is as always, a problem, one of two heads have popped above the parapet to see what's happening and we hope to perhaps capture a couple more, even if it's just to attend our functions, it would be good if we could draw the odd one or two ex Sqn members back into the fold.
Our Branch events as always are open to all AEA members, families & friends should you wish to attend and let's not forget the Veterans Breakfast at Fort Amherst once a month which is strongly supported by the Medway vets.
I would like to thank all our Branch members, wives, partners, families & friends for their never - ending support and generosity, whom without the Branch would find it difficult to continue.
Lastly, on behalf of our Branch President Lt Col (Ret'd) Brian Awford and all Branch members, I would like to send our best wishes to all AEA members, families & friends and we look forward to catching up with you at some time over a beer.
Chatham - December 2018
Baz Bassett - Chairman
It is a week after the Annual AEA AGM & Reunion Gala Dinner and I thought this may be a good time to dash a few words down while I am in a good mood and on a roll. The usual branch events have occurred this year and have been supported well by various members of the branch. It always amazes me how members find the time and commitment to attend the various functions, parades and ceremonies around and about. At pretty well all of these we see our President John and Pat Lee and our Chairman JJ and Sandra Ferry, as always leading from the front. It is great to see their friendly faces and we at the Chatham branch really appreciate their commitment to attending our functions.
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At the John Rock Dinner this year our guest was Colonel Chris Davies and his wife Jenny (another committed member who appears at and supports the various events around UK) An interesting after lunch speech and light-hearted humour made for another good occasion. As always, all members are invited to the John Rock Dinner. As from next year the Branch will be running a John Rock Lunch rather than a dinner, this will suit a number of members as the timings are more sympathetic to their life style. All members of the AEA are invited to attend and if interested please do contact myself or Tim van Der Kraan.
John Rock Dinner 2018 |
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Prior to the Dinner there was an opportunity where Colonel Chris was co-opted to lay a wreath at the headstone of Cpl Andrew George Mcllvenny known to many as 'Mac'. The headstone was located by chance by Tim vdK in Gillingham, a few years ago. Access was always limited but through a bit of persistence the Church has permitted us to enter and a small group met to pay our respects. Mac was attached to the Sqn in the 70s and in the 80's but lost his life during Op Corporate when the RFA Ship, Sir Galahad was bombed. At the time he was serving with 4 Troop 9 Para Sqn. |
Mick Fisher, Baz Bassett, Col Chris Davies and Tim vdK at the headstone of Cpl Andrew George Mcllvenny RE |
The summer, which was fantastic, saw us also at the Armed Forces Day (Medway) celebration and again a good turn out by the branch helped swell the numbers attending.
Mick Fisher, Tim van der Kraan, Peter Kershaw and Baz Bassett
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Unfortunately, this year we have also lost a few of our members, Sandy Sanderson, Jim Rogers and John 0' Connor to name but three. All good stalwart individuals who supported the AEA when circumstances allowed. A good turnout at the Service of Jim Rogers at the Garrison Church Chatham |
September saw us at 36 Engr Regt Officers Mess, courtesy of Bob Matthews, where again a bumper turn out was on parade for the annual G & T and Gurkha Curry Sunday. Great to see John and Pat Lee attending and Tim vdK raffled a Limited-Edition Monopoly Game "Corps of Royal Engineers". |
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Gurkha Curry Sunday |
As all are aware, The Branch were responsible for the arrangement and running of the Annual AEA AGM & Reunion Gala Dinner. Many photos have been published and there are many more in this Journal and all attendees agree that it was a very enjoyable event. Yes, it was hard work for the team involved but as always, the results made up for the hard work by them. I would just like to thank the Branch members, their wives and partners for their outstanding commitment and hard work to ensure the event was a success and to those who attended and joined in to make the weekend such fun.
We were very lucky that being at Chatham allowed us to visit the refurbished RE Museum and a number of members took the opportunity to pop in and remind themselves of the history of the corps. The location also gave us an opportunity to grab a quick photo of those attending. For those sharp eyed amongst you (you may need the magnifying glass) we have an interloper, Brigadier Roddy Macdonald ex OC 59 Cdo and CO 36 Engr Regt and a good friend of Bert Tate who managed to smuggle him into the photo (below)
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Visit to the Corps Museum 13th October 2018 |
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3 Key members of the night
All very popular with the ladies as they appeared to take it in shifts to be dancing with them. |
For Interest only, while I was in Gloucester with Linda on a break from the Grandchildren and while making my way to the Cathedral I visited a small Medieval Church only to spot this window. It was paid for by various sources and commemorates the late Captain Robert Laurence Nairac GC. He was a British Army officer who was abducted from a pub in , south County Armagh, during an undercover operation and executed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army on his fourth tour of duty in Northern Ireland as a Military Intelligence Liaison Officer. He was posthumously awarded the George Cross in 1979. I am sure some of us will remember the occasion and with it the early troubles in NI. |
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As I close my comments on the last 6 months, all I can say is that it has be a slightly hectic one. The fantastic summer allowed a lot of us to get out and about much more, and as a branch we had some good fun. A big thank you also to Frank and Mary Ryan for their summer BBQ which a number of members made it too, again on another of those hot weekends. This all culminated in the Reunion Gala Dinner. It really was great to see so many of the old and bold and the young and frisky enjoying themselves on the evening. I shall miss the planning meetings around my house serving bacon and sausage banjos to the committee before we made any decision, but not the clearing up.
Autumn is upon us and our thoughts are now towards the Christmas function and another branch gathering. On behalf of the branch can I wish all members a great Christmas and a healthy and Prosperous New Year and as a branch we look forward to catching up with you all next year.
Chatham - June 2018
Baz Bassett - Chairman
The year 2017 finished with a cracking Christmas Lunch and a real bumper turn out with members and families pushing the numbers to 90 attending. It really is a great opportunity for the Branch to get together with families and friends for this occasion. As always, a big thank you for the stalwart members, wives and partners working hard to organise these events and making them a success.
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The Branch "Christmas Elves" Jim Rogers, Eric Blenkinsop, Tim VDK and the late Bertie 'Bert' Fordham I am sure that I am no different when after the celebrations of Christmas and New Year the post-Christmas blues settle onto us in January. Those Grey, dark and damp days (sounds like the start of a good exercise) knowing we have to get through February and March before it cheers up. But it does, and spring is soon upon us. 2018 got off to a very sombre start for the Branch with the passing of two of our Branch Members, Mr Bertie 'Bert' Fordham and Mr William 'Bill' Wheeler. We also had the very sad loss of Mrs Freda Perry (wife of Mr William 'Bill' Perry). As a branch we start the year with our first event which is the Valentines Buffet Lunch. Well supported and a good opportunity to catch up with each other and also to dispose of the odd Christmas gift into the Raffle. Mr Frank Ryan of course decided to get into character and deliver his "Rose" to Mary in true Spanish style.. |
"Senor Frank Ryan with a Rose for his loved one" Shortly after this Lin and I went off on a few weeks break to get away from it all. Snow, Snow and more snow in UK, we laughed our way through Kuala Lumpur at 34 degrees and onto Cambodia at 36 degrees. Surprise, surprise, on our second night there casually strolling into a food hall we are accosted by one "Grant Scott' AKA Scotty. Scotty has been travelling for the last 18 months and as he says "looking for somewhere to settle down" A great experience to meet him out there and to catch up on what he has been up to. |
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Scotty had served in the Sqn during my time and had also been the Provost Sergeant at 36 Engr Regt when I was OC 50 HQ Sqn. Needless to say, a couple of beers were required to chat things over. What a small world and a great experience and pleasure to meet a fellow Sqn member. I know a number of Sqn members follow Scotty on social media and while there Scotty showed me the photographs he had been taking on his travels, fascinating journal. Siem Reip Cambodia Feb 2018 - Baz and Scotty toasting the Sqn |
For the branch, this is a busy year, we always look forward to the summer with The John Rock Dinner on Saturday 9th June.
This is followed by the Armed Forces Day 'Medway' celebrations on Saturday 30th of June. This year of course these events are a precursor to the Annual AGM and Reunion Gala Dinner over the weekend Friday 12th - Sunday 14th October. This is to be held at the King Charles Hotel. Needless to say as a branch we are all looking forward to hosting the Association on this very special occasion.
Other Annual Branch events are of course also planned such as the Nepalese Curry Buffet Lunch (Gurkha Bart) in September which is held at the Officers Mess, 36 Engr Regt. This has become a very popular event and we are now maxing out as they say with attendees, although Bob Matthews did manage to squeeze in a few more than planned last year, that's what being a good QM is all about Bob!
And rounding off the year with our traditional Christmas Lunch in December.
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Bob and Helen Matthews, Frank and Mary Ryan, Linda Bassett and the Cazaly Family I only have a short report this year, but I do hope to see those of you who can make it, at the AGM and Reunion Gala Dinner later in the year |
Chatham - December 2017
Baz Bassett - Chairman
The summer season as expected was busy but fun. This summer involved a number of events with an element of support from the branch at them all. Of course the Falklands 35th Anniversary had a number of engagements and I and Tim VDK with wives attended the small ceremony conducted by Col Chris Davies at the Aldershot cemetery on the 18th June. Other members with wives joined us and afterwards retired for a pub lunch.
Tim VdK, Edwina Ball, Trevor Simpson, ? Lin & Baz Bassett, Tony Manley, John & Sandra Ferry, Jenny Davies,
Mal Malham, Chris Davies & Dave Rutter
The main ceremony was on the 17th of June and was described as a "ticker tape parade" with Aldershot town coming out to give fantastic support to the event. June continued with the Armed Forces day (Medway) celebration, strangely enough I found I had been volunteered to march on the contingent and then being requested to read out the Kohima Prayer.
Time for a quick brew (Armed Forces Day - Medway)
Peter Kershaw, Mick Fisher & Mike Tindle
The summer celebrations finished off with the John Rock dinner and we were delighted again to host both the President, Chairman and their wives that evening, which as always is an enjoyable event.
This year's presentation was twofold, our Chairman John Ferry gave a resume of two troop's deployment on OP Corporate and Mount Longdon. While Tam Drain, who was a member of 4 Troop during the campaign (4 Troop being the attached troop from 20 Sqn) gave a piercing and honest presentation of the conflict through the eyes of a soldier who, 35 years ago, with little warning were stood up to be attached to 9 Parachute Squadron. Having then deployed, found themselves on that fateful day to be on the "RFA Sir Galahad" which we can all remember from the horrific scenes after the bombing, explosion and fires.
John Rock Dinner - Tam Drain, John Ferry, Tim VdK & Baz Bassett
Summer was bought to a close by an invitation to Frank and Mary Ryan's house for a BBQ, Mary managing to cope with Frank's generosity to the Branch. Another excellent afternoon.
Autumn brought the normal support to the other events around UK and Tim VdK supported by Edwina, attended on behalf of the Branch and the association at a number these. Finally in October the annual Gurkha Curry organised by Bob and Helen Matthews at 36 Engr Regt's Officer's mess, was again a sell-out, over 60 people attended. I was absent as the date had been changed after I had booked my Holidays. However our President attended, I am told he has branched out into selling AEA Car Badges and hoped to make a killing there.
The year is almost complete with our final event the Christmas Lunch, which again is shaping up to be another block buster. Hopefully, allowing a day out of the Kitchen for our partners to get together with friends and families to be waited on at the King Charles Hotel.
Gurkha Curry - Outside the Officers Mess 36 Engr Regt
As I write this I am recovering from a fantastic Reunion Gala Dinner organised and run by 299 Airborne Squadron in Hull. Well done to the OC and his team and in particular to Craig Gadd for organising and running a successful event in the 2017 European City of Culture.
This leads me to remind you all that it is Chatham Branch's turn to organise and run the Annual Reunion, AGM and Gala dinner in 2018.
The dates for your diary are the 9th 10th and 11th of October. It will follow the normal weekend and
run of events, but we hope that as it is the home of the Corps, it will allow individuals to visit the Corps Museum,
Brompton Barracks to see how it has changed and of course perhaps a run ashore for those of you who may wish to visit old haunts. I must remind you that there has been a huge change over the years to both the barracks and the
Medway towns.
The various booking forms will be in the June journal. For your information the event is being run at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham over the weekend. The King Charles Hotel will deal with the full booking procedure and there will be no need to send forms or payments to any individuals of the Branch. Book early as rooms are limited but there are also a number of other Hotels available in the area.
The contact e-mail address for the King Charles is debbie@kinocharleshotel.co.uk Please note that bookings will only be taken through the King Charles system.
The Branch wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Best wishes for 2018 and for those who can make it, we look forward to seeing you at the next year's AGM and Reunion Gala Dinner.