Airborne Engineers Association

Roll of Honour



Matt Newall

Matt Newall


Matt, a former member of 3 Para Sqn & 249 Para Sqn passed away on 31 March 2013. He was a stalwart member of the Yorkshire branch and rarely missed a reunion or commemoration parade of any kind.

On the morning of 5th June at Ranville War Cemetery there were two short ceremonies to scatter the ashes, first of Matthew "Matt" Newall. Matt was a regular visitor to the battlefields of WW2 and could always be seen in Normandy at the June and November commemorations, usually quietly at the back. Well known as part of the "Longchamp Cafe Mob" Matt was usually accompanied by his nephews who brought Matt over for the last time and arranged a splendid "send off' for him at the "wake" which fittingly concluded with the pipes and drum band of Andre McFarlane playing in the car park.





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