Airborne Engineers Association

Roll of Honour



Don Newman - 14th Oct 1929 to 24th Aug 2019


Born in Kent, England. Lived in Perth, West­ern Australia 1972-2019.
The funeral of our esteemed former President of this Australian Association,was held at Pinaroo Memorial Park,
East Chapel at 1330 hours on Wednesday 4th September. All members and kindred spirits were welcomed to participate in the celebration of Don’s life. The Australian Association provided a Catafalque Party and Guard of Honour.
Don Served for 22 Years in the Royal Engineers. After basic training Don spent three years in Egypt then from 1954-1957 he served in Germany. From late 1957 to 1960 Don was posted to Malaya serving with the Special Air Service "D" Squadron.
After Malaya Don’s service continued with the Independent Air Squadron, going on to be a Staff Instructor for 299 Para Squadron and Instructor of Combat Engineering with 36 Regiment.
Don was promoted to Warrant Officer Class Two and posted as the Squadron Sergeant Major of 9 Indep Para Sqn based at Haig Lines in Crookham, Hants. As SSM he was a much respected warrant officer and as a gentleman.
Don’s final posting in 1969-1972 was to serve as RSM at the Royal School of Military Engineering in Chattenden barracks Kent during the 150th Anniversary year of the Regiment.

Our thoughts are with Don’s family, friends and Old Comrades. Utrinque Paratus-Lest we forget

Don's self published autobiography



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